Hidden Jewel Gold Project
The Hidden Jewel Gold Project (E24/232) is located within the Golden Cities Granodiorite to the north of the active Golden Cities/Federal mining centre that had mined a total of 283,000oz of gold to 2010. Recent mining activities have been carried out in the area by Norton Gold Fields.

Historic shallow Reverse Circulation (RC) and Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drilling has intersected anomalous gold mineralisation and auger sampling has delineated a gold anomaly. Further geological work by the Company has also indicated 3 untested target areas of interest.
Additional exploration is planned to test this anomaly for primary mineralisation hosted in narrow, quartz/sulphide veins similar to that found south at Golden Cities Project.

Tenement P24/5568 is located close the active Rose Dam mining area, approximately 3km west of the Norton Gold Fields 5Mtpa Paddington Gold mill. Previous exploration on the tenement has been limited.
There is the potential that the known paleo channel extends northeast through the tenement, but this remains largely untested. The company intends to carry out an aircore program through the area to test for any potential extensions.